Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Dogma of IMS

Upperside, a European conference promoter, has an event Apr 17-20 in Paris titled Wireless/Wi-Fi Convergence 2007: Deploying UMA and IMS Architectures.

Often conferences try to stir up controversy by pitting arch rivals against one-another on panels and the like.

Yet this is the first time I can recall a conference evoking the schisms of Christianity to instill some controversy into an event.

And I quote:

And, IMS, like Catholicism, now has its own Protestant sects - ETSI TISPAN, ATIS, MSF, PacketCable and the DSL Forum - that are breaking off and defining their own architecture and technology extensions/replacements to the IMS dogma.

This will prove to be a very enlightening conference!

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