Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is NSN looking to leave its femto 'partners' behind?

An article from DigiTimes today confirms that Nokia Siemens Networks is in talks with several Taiwan-based manufacturers over plans for joint production of femtocells.

NSN has already signed agreements with Ubiquisys, RadioFrame, Thomson and Airvana for femtocell access points. Yet the article quotes NSN general manager for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Mike Wang, who confirms the company is now in talks with ‘other network equipment makers, including Gemtek Technology and Accton Technology.’

Why would NSN need to source their own femtocells? They have signed up four independent femtocell access point vendors. Why sign up Gemtek and Accton too?

Maybe NSN is getting ready to leave its partners behind.

[UPDATE: In feedback from this blog post, I received word that NSN is rumored to be courting femtocell silicon vendors directly, lending credibility to the idea that they are looking to develop their own femtocell.]

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